Monday, March 30, 2015
Dear Everyone,
This past week has been super busy. We are just constantly going on exchanges and making plans ect. But we had a good week.
To start on Monday after I emailed we went bowling. haha That was the fun part of the week. We didn't get much else done but it was good. That night we also taught our investigator brother Ador. He loves our message and said he would get baptized if he felt our message was true. :D We are super excited for him but we still have a long way to go.
Tuesday we had exchanges and it was not good. I don't even know why it was bad. The exchange itself was fine. I was working with Elder Grimploma and he's a super cool elder. But their work was just hard. No one was home and then when we went finding, a guy told me he didn't know how to read when I offered him a pamphlet. But I'm pretty sure he did because he spoke good English. Another guy just walked inside his house and ignored us... It was an interesting day.
Wednesday was better we were able to teach some good lessons and I really liked one where we taught about the nature of God. We were teaching a Born Again, a Seventh day Adventist, and a Catholic. They asked about God’s name so I showed them some scriptures from Exodus and then John and explained to them how Jehovah and Jesus Christ are the same person. They really seemed to like it and it helped answer their question. We have not been able to teach them again but I hope we get the chance I liked the lesson.
Thursday was another hard but we made it though. Nothing too interesting happened though.
Friday was a fun day even though we had a bit of a hard time teaching. We taught a few lesson but then we had a ward family home evening that we had to go to. It was fun and they had a lot of food. :P But it was really interesting when they made the missionaries give the games. So we had to lead a big group of people in games. It actually turned out pretty good.
Saturday was still hard but we got thing's working. We taught Brother Ador again and cleared some things up for him and got him to commit to church the next day even though he had work. The best part is he came. :D
Sunday was a good day. Brother Ador came to church and everything was happy. :P We taught some good lessons and ended the week on a good note.
For today we had a zone activity earlier this morning and it was awesome. We got permission from President Balledos to watch "The Best Two Years" and it was awesome. We also played a little dodge ball and some other fun stuff but all in all it was just a good time. Later tonight we are going to San Fernando for a leadership meeting so that should be fun. But that's for next week.
That's all for now. mahal kita!!!
Elder Christensen
Excerpt from Letter to President Balledos
As for my studies this past week I have been reading from John. I read chapter 14 this past week and I really like Christ's teaching about prayer. He first states in verse 6 that he is the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by him, establishing our reliance on the Savoir in our lives. But then in verse 13 he makes it clear that we are to ask for things in his name meaning when we pray we pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. After which he describes how we receive his spirit or answers to our prayers by simply stating "if ye love me, keep my commandments and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever." So if we desire the Holy Ghost we must first ask in the name of Christ and then keep the commandments which Christ himself has given us.
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